Friday 27 October 2017

The Emergence of Photography

Realism is an aesthetic theory based on similarity or an identity between the photograph and depicted reality.’ - Bate 2009: 36

‘…between representations and reality…’

Humankind lingers unregenerately in Plato’s cave, still reveling, its age-old habit, in mere images of the truth

The realism of an image corresponds to a preconception of reality.. any picture is usually tested against preexisting suppositions and knowledge about the world. The reading of any picture will already involve assessing how far that picture is credible or plausible.’ 

Digital technology does not subvert normal photography because normal photography never existed.’ 

Paul Graham 

Academic Language 

Academic writing will generally demonstrate the following: 

  • An impersonal, rather than personal, style 
  • Arguments informed by research 
  • An objective viewpoint 
  • Use of the passive voice 
  • Uncontracted verb forms
  • Formal language 
Arguments informed by research 

evidence of research 

  • original writing based on the works of others 
  • referenecing 
  • academic - belonging to the academy

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Russel Boyce originally got a degree in fine art studying at Hull University. He started his career doing printing work, PR, commercial wor...